
Showing posts from 2016

That Filipino Thing

A few weeks ago, I had a Skype interview with a foreign employer for a job prospect abroad. I guess it went very well. I was very comfortable talking so much that I was able to organize my thoughts to answer properly every questions asked. It also helped that the interviewer was in a very good mood. I felt at ease immediately when it started. The conversation was lively up to the very end. This was in contrast a few minutes prior when my anxiety took over. One of the more immediate reason is that I'm not comfortable talking in English. The thought of stuttering and losing an opportunity unnerved me. I may have the best explanation but it will not matter if I will not be able to communicate properly. A recruiter, who was in the country to find talents and facilitate the series of interviews, probably saw through my fidgeting while I was sitting in a building's lobby. He approached me and struck a conversation. I have met this guy before in the previous interviews so at this p


Quantum Superposition is a principle in Physics (particularly in Quantum Mechanics) that claims that a subatomic (read: very very small) particle is in all possible states simultaneously unless it is observed. It means the particle is slow and fast, in multiple places at once, spinning clockwise and counterclockwise at the same time on its own. But once it is measured, that is, it's position or its energy is known, all the other states "collapse". The particle is now in a definite state. The most famous analogy perhaps is the so-called  Schrödinger's cat . The poor cat in this thought experiment is put in a box with poison and a mechanism that may or may not trigger the poison. When the box is unopened (not observed), the cat is BOTH dead and alive at the same time. Once the box is opened, you will immediately know whether the cat is alive or gone sabbatical to live in a farm somewhere. Now, the actual mechanics on what exactly happened to the particle is subj

Kwarta Milestone: 6 years after

Six years ago, at the end of this same month, I got around 10k in net worth. I think I was in the last few months of paying up my reconstructed debt. For several months after, I despised lingering debts. That explains the minimal red stripes in the months immediately after I got my certificate of full payment from the banks. But then I learned how to take a debt responsively and manage them to work to my advantage. The magic word is "leverage". I never got out of debt thereafter as you may have noticed in the graph. In reality, it is more than what I booked above. But it's a personal choice to book a debt when it's due. I suck at accounting but to me, it makes perfect sense. Besides, I do not book an apparent income until I got it. Also, I do not book physical assets. Those green stripes are all liquid, semi-liquid and receivables (due for the month). What you don't see is the ugly picture to the left of that. Have I started documenting my finances earl


Change is coming. If everything goes according to plan, I may be changing time zone and currency some time soon. This is a welcome change and almost unexpected. I just posted my credentials somewhere and I've been getting calls constantly. One call stood out when I learned that my particular skill was needed abroad. Several meet ups and interviews ensued. It seems it was all going well. I guess I have to start drafting my resignation letter then.


Identity Theft - probably one of the words we take for granted but dreaded the most when it finally happen to ourselves. To me, it manifested one fateful morning when I woke up to a text message from Citibank that my card was blocked because someone used my credit card a few hours prior. The damage amounted to 2 successful transactions of $3175 each. For a split-second, a smorgasbord of emotions swept over me. There was much confusion - with my half-sleep mind trying to process the stimulus at hand. There was self-doubt - retracing all my activities a few days leading to this day where I could have possibly exposed my financial credentials. There was genuine fear - the uncertainty on what was the extent of the breach. The fear for the worst - that I will be forced to pay the 6350 in US Dollars (roughly 300,000 in Philippine pesos). And that's not including the legal fees when I choose to fight against the behemoth - that is Citi. And lastly there's rage. Angry at th

I've just met the 1M mark...finally!

...In credit limit that is. I'm stoked nevertheless. Imagine the purchasing power the cards bring! At the very opposite end of the spectrum, imagine the huge bounty scammers / identity thieves could draw from all these. I had a first hand experience on this one. But that comes later. For now, marvel at my imaginary, pretentious wealth! Yes. That sheet is made of gold drawn out the earth using 69 virgin blood That's 5 cards with a total credit limit of exactly PhP 1, 281, 000. The individual credit limit ranges from 100k to the highest 438k. I know right? What's up with the obsession with the very same instruments that once ruined my life. By this time, I'm done talking about the demons within it's confines . Nowadays, I consider the demons just like that. Confined, dormant, docile. And I plan to make it stay that way. Citibank Premiermiles used to be a personal favorite. For a good reason. It has one of the lowest conversion rate - if not the l