Antisocial Insecurities
I'm done with SSS. I already have 144 months of contributions - that's 12 years exactly!. A wee bit more than the required 10 years of contributions to "benefit" from a retirement pension - whatever a monthly of ₱6,233.33 can buy in the future. Yes, I calculated. Mainly because of sheer curiosity how those years of auto deductions translate to money in my future. Yes, it's a measly sum. If I factor in inflation, that's basically around 1-2 thousand in today's money by the time I retire. But as they say, it is intended as a security, not an investment. And everybody knows that it's not a reliable source of income in our last days on earth. And also, a huge chunk of my contribution comes from my employers so in essence a part of it is free money anyway. The new hike in contributions increases the monthly salary credit which in theory should also increase everyone's pension. As someone who left the Philippine workforce 2 years ago and has t