Quantum Superposition is a principle in Physics (particularly in Quantum Mechanics) that claims that a subatomic (read: very very small) particle is in all possible states simultaneously unless it is observed. It means the particle is slow and fast, in multiple places at once, spinning clockwise and counterclockwise at the same time on its own. But once it is measured, that is, it's position or its energy is known, all the other states "collapse". The particle is now in a definite state. The most famous analogy perhaps is the so-called Schrödinger's cat . The poor cat in this thought experiment is put in a box with poison and a mechanism that may or may not trigger the poison. When the box is unopened (not observed), the cat is BOTH dead and alive at the same time. Once the box is opened, you will immediately know whether the cat is alive or gone sabbatical to live in a farm somewhere. Now, the actual mechanics on what exactly happened to the particle is subj